Oh, What a Feeling!

I admit, I am participating for this button alone. So here's a little trivia:
What was the name of Jennifer Beals' dance double?
How many dance doubles did Jennifer Beals have in the final dance sequence?
Was Jennifer Beals a good welder?
On to the stash...

Organized by color - top shelf is pinks/oranges/reds. Second shelf blues/purples. Bottom shelf browns/greens. This is the cupboard I go to when I need a yarn porn uplift. Unfortunately I don't have time today to go through and take pictures of the different varieties in there, but trust me, this is the yummy stuff. There's cool Finnish yarn, mitten kits, sock yarn, this weird fleecy stuff that you have to twist together as you knit, self striping mitten yarn (Finland, again). I love this cupboard.

I just organized this section of the stash which lives in the closet. Top left is weaving cones. Yah, gonna outgrow that REAL quick. Bottom bin is all odds and ends I want to keep. Leftover skeins, lots of baby yarns, cheap yarns, extra stuff that just doesn't look as good in the pretty cupboard. My goal is to use a lot of this over the summer to make things to donate to charity or sell in the fall. We'll see what happens. Highly recommend these bins btw, they are stackable, tops come off and open from the side. I got them at The Container Store.

This is what's hiding on the side of the knitting chair. My most current project is on top, Kate for a little guy who is the son of hot boyfriend's co-worker. Little guy was hospitalized recently and was in ICU, so I postponed all my projects to get this one going. Under that project is a lot of cool yarn, linen, silk, unfinished gloves, unfinished scarf, drawstring bag....yah I'll get them done....someday....

Decorating with Stash! Wine Rack that I made into a Yarn Rack. Changes with the seasons.

And here's why I didn't have time to take pictures of individual skeins from the stash... I am in the process of sleying my reed. Kinky! Ok I'm really busy too, and actually did this late last night 'til I couldn't see anymore.

It's a tedious process and my heddle hook is too short, but I have to finish this today. This is only my second time winding a warp, and the first time was on a table loom. This is a whole different beast. I had two helpers yesterday, and there are so many knots to remember, warp order, tension to check, ack. I have to finish it before I forget.
I'm off to LA tonight for a quick trip...I know of one yarn store in Santa Monica. Anyone know of any others?
I love your yarn rack! Awesome idea!
Suss is fun on beverly - www.sussdesign.com.
What a pretty stash you have! I am very much admiring it!
yarn/wine rack is a winner!!
Marine Jahan & Richard Colon (yap, a guy!) performed most of the dance routines.
Lovin' that yarn rack - I may have to steal that idea ;o)
Great stash!
You have earned the Beals award! You are a yarn stash tease - I want to see inside that lovely cupboard! I love the whining yarn rack; perfect. The weaving is so time consumming; good luck!
Your yarn cabinet is fabulous! My yarn is in a bunch of tote bags scattered around the apartment...not as pretty! :)
I love your stash, and your storage options. The yarn in the wine rack is priceless :)
Love the yarn rack! And that cabinet must give you a happy every time you see it. :-)
If I'm remembering correctly Jennifer Beals really learned how to weld, which means very few sparks. When they went to film the sceene they wanted more sparks, which is bad welding but looks cool. Am I right?
Love the yarn.
Awsome decorating with stash. I also like the cabinet organized by color. Pretty sweet load you got.
Wasn't Aidan Quinn the boyfriend or am I thinking of Desperately Seeking Susan? Stash rocks, sweetie! (You obviously have a more organized approach than I do) That warp winding stuff scares the bejabbers outta me, but I did buy 2 weaving books today and a copy of Handwoven...
Great stash, very organized. Lovin' the yarn rack, so nice to look at every day. I'm totally impressed by your weaving abilities---it looks so difficult! Thanks for getting so inspired by my little button, lol.
Lovely stash decoration. And yarn is much healthier than wine.
I love the yarn rack...lol.
To keep the yarn in a cupboard with a glassdoor, what a great idea. I really like the yarn rack too :-)
I'm totally in love with the Blue Sky Alpaca Silk, even on smallish needles. It just purrrrrrs along!
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