The Current Situation
Remember the Great Terrace Tragedy of '06? Apparently it was just a warm up.

Last winter, Hotty Hubby and I started shopping for an apartment. We found one. We hired a lawyer and made our down payment. The building was a rental and is in the process of being converted to condominiums. How nice! Brand new apartment, a couple customized renovations worked into the contract... We should be able to move in August. September. October. November. Someday.
Le sigh.
Needless to say, our current apartment is just a tad too small and thus the reason for the move. (Though no matter how big or small your family is, you can pretty much make that statement for any NYC apartment.) I have been spending every spare moment downsizing. I call it "downsizing" when the truth of the matter is I am just "sizing". Baby gear and Hotty Hubby's wine habit coupled with my yarn habit has us bursting at the seams. I am basically trying to make everything fit right now in the hopes that we can survive a few more days/weeks/months in this space.
Anyhoo, I went through my yarn and decided that knitting really isn't my thing so I put my whole stash for sale on ebay.
Oh I am funny! Yes, indeed! Ok, I am not about to quit knitting and certainly not selling my entire stash. I did put some goodies up for grabs and you can bid on them here. Better hurry, bidding ends soon!
However, what fun is stash-busting without a freebie?
I have this here Morehouse Merino laceweight. I bought it at the Union Square Greenmarket about 2 years ago. I am not exactly sure of the yardage, I am guessing there is a total of 420 yards with these two skeins. I love the vibrant yet earthy colors, but never made anything with it. Morehouse laceweight is very unique. It has a rustic look to it. I think it is quite neat. So why am I giving it away? I think YOU can make something better with it. And don't worry, I have other Morehouse Merino laceweight in my stash, I truly am cool with passing this on.
So, if you want this yarn, leave me a comment (with your email address AT DOTcom thing) stating what you envision it as. Could be knitting, crochet or weaving. From those who leave their artistic musings, I will put their names into a hat and have a drawing. The winner gets the yarn! How's that for getting your mind off a bunch of "Say no to Crack" Plumber Butt Contractors?
Labels: No Movement Move '07
OMG, that yarn is BEAUTIFUL!!! Since it's merino wool, I'd love to weave a scarf with it. Maybe add a touch of gold thread in the weft here and there ... maybe a bit of random beads on the fringe ... maybe make it a little fussy and shadow weave it with olive colored yarn ... maybe simplify with plain weave and a bit of china red eyelash overlay ... too much fun! My e-mail address is and my name is Jackie.
ok, i'm totally not going to put my hat in the ring for the yarn as i am baby-downsizing as well :) but i want to say, damn! you still haven't moved?! oh no, you must be bursting at the seams over there. here's hoping the transition goes smoothly.
morehouse merino such killer yarn. i love how it's almost sticky.. i made a melody's shawl with it and wore it out to dinner with an old friend (and knitter) when i was up in denver recently. she gushed and admired it so that i took it off and happily gave it to her on the spot. i really loved that shawl, though, and have been dying to make another one. your morehouse would be in good hands with me!
Ooh, count me in - I love Morehouse Merino yarns and I'd love to try the laceweight! It's a beautiful colorway, I can definitely see making my mom a scarf out of this - maybe the melody-style shawl that I've seen around. My email address is kniterati at gmail dot com.
(Also as someone downsizing to move into a studio apartment, I totally feel your pain.)
I want/need that yarn to make the Modern Quilt Wrap by Mags Kandis from Knitting Daily. I absolutely love the pattern, but HATE to weave in ends. I wouldn't have to with continuaous skeins of that gorgoeus yarn. My mail is svandersar at cogeco dot ca.
I have never seen this yarn before!
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now that would make a hot pair of thigh-highs! (or a straitjacket, cause I'd need one after knitting lace-weight thigh highs)
sssarahevt at yahoo dot com
Tempting, but I'm actually thinking of selling some stash too. Going from 2 BR to 1 BR is no fun!
I would love to make a Melody shawl. I think it is a lovely pattern for variagated yarn. But a big bonus, I've never cut my knitting before. What an adventure that would be.
my email is rehagens at gmail
hahaha! you really gave me a heart attach! "knitting not my thing"
I think that it would make a truly lovely modified Clapotis. Hmmm.... now that's all I'm gonna be thinking about until you pick winners!
And as for the move, the downsizing is more refreshing than bad. I just moved from a 3 bedroom house to a 1 bedroom apartment, and at the end of it my husband and I were happy to see that our belongings were just more concentrated goodness because we'd tossed everything we were ambivalent about.
Nothing quite like the timelines contractors give you is there? I hope you are in soon.
That's some beautiful yarn, I hope it finds a nice new home! I can't be in on this one because over here it would just become stash. Not exactly the point.
I am ready to do some purging myself...
I would use it to make a smoke ring type wishes on reorganizing and allows what you really love and cherish to shine through....
sknutson at sjm dot com
PLEASE don't scare me like that. I literaly gasped when I read that you were quitting knitting and selling your stash. That was not funny at all young lady! Bad knitter, no cookie.
I'd knit myself the Clap.
Ah, it's that time of year when knitters feel the need to destash...I remember it well. As for the construction, it will take 3 times longer, cost twice as much and then you're so grateful when it's done that you HUG the foreman. Lovely yarn, but I'll be good this time...;)
I would knit a lovely lacy scarf for my seventeen year old daughter to take to college next year. A little bit of mom to keep her warm and cozy. By the way her name is Anne!
P.S I'm Alice and my email is
I'm on a yarn diet, so this is not an entry. I just wanted to wish you some luck with the construction/move. You don't seem to have much luck in that whole contractors/builders area - I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.
okay - one more time.....
I see that colorful yarn in the shape of cute vintage fall/winter caps for mommy-me and baby Lia.
love you!
*just say no to crack
That sucks, but I like having you closer. After Thanksgiving we should get together and knit!
No more yarn for me, but you have my sympathy. I hope the new place is wonderful and happens soon!
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