Ignorant Bliss
I want to knit something for myself. Something that I will finish and love. I have been eyeing the Drops 103-1 jacket and after Tina finished hers in mere hours (mild exaggeration), I was determined to prove to myself that I could knit it up fairly quickly. I had picked out The Fibre Company's Road to China in Jade awhile back. It has been creeping up to the top of my stash pile and it's time to move it to the next level - a sweater.
I happily cast on and knit and knit and knit. The skeins don't have a lot of yardage so shortly after casting on I had to add another skein. Knit knit knit. Happy happy happy. Add another skein and then DUN DUN DUN. Honkin' stripe of grey green right in the middle of my blue green. Not pretty. Ugly. So sad. I have about 11 more skeins of this stuff, how to tell which ones are more grey, which ones are more blue? I guess I should wind them all and knit samples from each skein. Oh what a drag. Once I know how many different skeins I have I can make a plan of action, which will probably be alternating rows from different skeins.
And look, same for Cashew's sweater. I used a new skein for the sleeves and it is a different shade. I have at least 2 more skeins of this yarn (Brooks Farm Solo) and I'm hoping one of them is more like the first skein I picked.
Cashew's socks have been a nice diversion as Trekking XXL is always entertaining. However these will not last a little R&R in Hudson Valley for the holiday weekend. I haven't decided if I should bring one of the sweaters to fix or just cast on something new so I can continue knitting in ignorant bliss without worrying about the consequences.
I think ignorant bliss is winning.